Efficiently Caching Data after Fetching from GraphQL in Craft CMS: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Spiros - hkhazo.biz.id

Efficiently Caching Data after Fetching from GraphQL in Craft CMS: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with slow page loads and high latency in your Craft CMS application? One common culprit is the repeated fetching of data from your GraphQL API. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of caching and provide a step-by-step guide on how to efficiently cache data after fetching from GraphQL in Craft CMS.

Why Caching is Crucial in Craft CMS

Caching is a technique that stores frequently accessed data in a temporary storage area, reducing the need to fetch it from the original source every time it’s requested. In the context of Craft CMS and GraphQL, caching can significantly improve performance by:

  • Reducing the number of requests to your GraphQL API
  • Decreasing page load times
  • Lowering the latency and improving overall user experience
  • Reducing the load on your server and improving scalability

Understanding Cache Invalidation

Before we dive into caching strategies, it’s essential to understand cache invalidation. Cache invalidation refers to the process of updating or removing cached data when the underlying data changes. This ensures that your application serves fresh and accurate data to users.

In Craft CMS, cache invalidation can be triggered by various events, such as:

  • Content updates or changes
  • Plugin updates or configuration changes
  • Cache expiration or timeout

Caching Strategies for GraphQL in Craft CMS

Now that we’ve covered the importance of caching and cache invalidation, let’s explore some caching strategies for GraphQL in Craft CMS:

1. Page Caching

Page caching involves storing entire pages or page components in cache. This approach is suitable for pages that don’t require personalized data or frequent updates.

In Craft CMS, you can use the built-in page caching feature by adding the following code to your `config/general.php` file:

return [
    'cache' => [
        'page' => [
            'enabled' => true,

2. Fragment Caching

Fragment caching involves storing individual components or fragments of a page in cache. This approach is ideal for pages with dynamic data or frequently updated content.

In Craft CMS, you can use the `craft.cache` service to cache fragments using the following code:

{% cache gist 'my-gist' %}
  {{ graphql('query MyQuery { gist(id: "my-gist") { id, description } }') }}
{% endcache %}

3. Data Caching

Data caching involves storing individual data points or objects in cache. This approach is suitable for applications that require frequent access to specific data.

In Craft CMS, you can use the `craft.cache` service to cache data using the following code:

PIO = "MyPlugin IO";
PIO::getInstance()->cache->set('my-data', function () {
  return graphql('query MyQuery { myData }');
}, 3600); // Cache for 1 hour

4. Query Caching

Query caching involves storing the results of GraphQL queries in cache. This approach is ideal for applications with complex queries or frequent data retrievals.

In Craft CMS, you can use the `graphql-cache` plugin to cache query results. First, install the plugin using Composer:

composer require craftcms/graphql-cache

Then, configure the plugin in your `config/graphql.php` file:

return [
    'caching' => [
        'enabled' => true,
        'ttl' => 3600, // Cache for 1 hour

Implementing Cache Invalidation in Craft CMS

To ensure that your cached data stays fresh and accurate, you need to implement cache invalidation strategies in Craft CMS. Here are some approaches:

1. Cache Tags

Cache tags allow you to associate cached data with specific elements or identifiers. When the underlying data changes, you can invalidate the cache tag to update the cached data.

In Craft CMS, you can use cache tags with the `craft.cache` service:

PIO = "MyPlugin IO";
PIO::getInstance()->cache->set('my-data', function () {
  return graphql('query MyQuery { myData }');
}, 3600, ['my-cache-tag']); // Cache for 1 hour with 'my-cache-tag'

// Later, when the data changes

2. Cache Dependencies

Cache dependencies allow you to define relationships between cached data and underlying elements. When the underlying elements change, the cached data is automatically invalidated.

In Craft CMS, you can use cache dependencies with the `craft.cache` service:

PIO = "MyPlugin IO";
PIO::getInstance()->cache->set('my-data', function () {
  return graphql('query MyQuery { myData }');
}, 3600, [], ['my-dependency']); // Cache for 1 hour with 'my-dependency' dependency

// Later, when the dependency changes


In this article, we’ve explored the importance of caching in Craft CMS and provided a comprehensive guide on how to efficiently cache data after fetching from GraphQL. We’ve covered various caching strategies, including page caching, fragment caching, data caching, and query caching. Additionally, we’ve discussed cache invalidation strategies, such as cache tags and cache dependencies.

By implementing these caching strategies and cache invalidation techniques, you can significantly improve the performance and scalability of your Craft CMS application. Remember to regularly monitor and optimize your caching setup to ensure the best possible user experience.

Caching Strategy When to Use Example Code
Page Caching For entire pages or page components return ['cache' => ['page' => ['enabled' => true]]];
Fragment Caching For individual components or page fragments {% cache gist 'my-gist' %} {{ graphql('query MyQuery { gist(id: "my-gist") { id, description } }') }} {% endcache %}
Data Caching For individual data points or objects PIO::getInstance()->cache->set('my-data', function () { return graphql('query MyQuery { myData }'); }, 3600);
Query Caching For complex queries or frequent data retrievals return ['caching' => ['enabled' => true, 'ttl' => 3600]];

By following these best practices and guidelines, you’ll be able to efficiently cache data after fetching from GraphQL in Craft CMS, resulting in faster page loads, improved performance, and a better overall user experience.

Frequently Asked Question

When it comes to caching data after fetching from GraphQL in Craft CMS, efficiency is key! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to get you started:

What is the best way to cache GraphQL data in Craft CMS?

One efficient way to cache GraphQL data in Craft CMS is to use the built-in `craft.cache` service. You can use the `set()` method to store the cached data and the `get()` method to retrieve it. This approach allows you to cache the data for a specific amount of time, reducing the number of requests to the GraphQL API.

How do I cache data for a specific GraphQL query?

To cache data for a specific GraphQL query, you can use a unique cache key that includes the query string and any variables used in the query. For example, you can use a key like `graphql-query-{{ querySTRING }}-{{ variables }}` and store the cached data using the `craft.cache.set()` method.

Can I use a third-party caching library with Craft CMS?

Yes, you can use a third-party caching library with Craft CMS. For example, you can use the `yii2-cache` library, which provides a more robust caching system than the built-in `craft.cache` service. You can also use other caching libraries like Redis or Memcached.

How do I invalidate the cache when the data changes?

To invalidate the cache when the data changes, you can use the `craft.cache.delete()` method to remove the cached data. You can also use cache tags to invalidate the cache for a specific set of data. For example, you can use a cache tag like `graphql-query-{{ querySTRING }}` and then delete the cache tag when the data changes.

Are there any performance considerations when caching GraphQL data?

Yes, there are performance considerations when caching GraphQL data. Caching can improve performance by reducing the number of requests to the GraphQL API, but it can also increase memory usage and lead to cache invalidation issues. Make sure to monitor your cache performance and adjust your caching strategy accordingly.

By caching your GraphQL data efficiently, you can improve the performance of your Craft CMS website and reduce the load on your GraphQL API. Happy caching!

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