The Enigmatic Case of std::next_permutation with std::wstring: Unraveling the Mystery
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The Enigmatic Case of std::next_permutation with std::wstring: Unraveling the Mystery

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Ah, the mystical realm of C++’s Standard Template Library (STL), where the brave and the curious venture forth to conquer the uncharted territories of algorithmic wizardry. Yet, lurking in the shadows, lies a dark horse – the unclear behavior of std::next_permutation when paired with the majestic std::wstring. Fear not, dear reader, for we shall embark on a perilous journey to unravel the tangled threads of this enigmatic duo.

What is std::next_permutation, and why should I care?

std::next_permutation is a potent function in the STL, designed to generate the next lexicographically greater permutation of a sequence. In simpler terms, it rearranges the elements of a container in a specific order, allowing you to iterate through all possible permutations. This seemingly innocuous function has far-reaching implications in various fields, such as:

  • Combinatorial mathematics
  • Algorithmic design
  • Data analysis and processing
  • Cryptography

However, when combined with std::wstring, a curious phenomenon arises, leaving even the most seasoned C++ veterans perplexed.

The Curious Case of std::wstring

std::wstring, a majestic creature in the realm of C++, is a specialization of the std::basic_string class template, designed to handle wide character strings. Wide characters, denoted by wchar_t, are 16-bit or 32-bit characters, depending on the platform, allowing for the representation of a broader range of languages and character sets.

std::wstring is essential in various applications, such as:

  • Internationalization and localization
  • Multilingual text processing
  • Unicode character handling
  • Asian language support

Yet, when std::wstring meets std::next_permutation, the resulting behavior is shrouded in mystery, leaving developers wondering:

What’s going on? Why isn’t std::next_permutation working as expected with std::wstring?

The root of the issue lies in the fact that std::next_permutation relies on the lexicographical ordering of characters, which is not straightforward when dealing with wide characters. The C++ standard library does not provide a specific definition for the lexicographical ordering of wchar_t, leading to implementation-dependent behavior.

In particular, the comparison of wchar_t characters is sensitive to the locale settings, which can affect the outcome of the permutation generation. This subtle dependency on locale settings can lead to:

  • Unintended permutations
  • Incorrect lexicographical ordering
  • Potential crashes or undefined behavior

Solutions and Workarounds

Fear not, dear reader, for we shall unveil the secrets to taming the unpredictable behavior of std::next_permutation with std::wstring.

Method 1: Custom Comparators

One approach is to provide a custom comparator function, which defines the lexicographical ordering of wchar_t characters. This allows you to specify the exact ordering desired, mitigating the influence of locale settings.

bool customCompare(wchar_t a, wchar_t b) {
    // Custom lexicographical ordering logic goes here
    return a < b;

std::wstring wstr = L" Hello, world!";
std::next_permutation(wstr.begin(), wstr.end(), customCompare);

Method 2: Convert to std::string

An alternative approach is to convert the std::wstring to a std::string, using the narrow character equivalent of each wchar_t. This allows you to leverage the well-defined lexicographical ordering of char.

std::wstring wstr = L" Hello, world!";
std::string str(wstr.begin(), wstr.end());
std::next_permutation(str.begin(), str.end());

Method 3: Use a Third-Party Library

For those who require a more comprehensive solution, consider utilizing a third-party library, such as the ICU (International Components for Unicode) library, which provides a robust and standardized way to handle Unicode characters and permutations.


The unclear behavior of std::next_permutation with std::wstring is a fascinating puzzle, waiting to be solved. By understanding the intricacies of wchar_t and locale settings, we can craft creative solutions to tame this enigmatic duo. Whether you choose to wield the power of custom comparators, convert to std::string, or rely on a third-party library, you shall emerge victorious, armed with the knowledge to conquer the most perplexing permutation challenges.

Method Pros Cons
Custom Comparators Flexibility in defining lexicographical ordering Requires custom implementation
Convert to std::string Easy to implement, leveraging well-defined char ordering Loss of information for characters outside the ASCII range
Third-Party Library Robust and standardized solution, handling Unicode complexities Dependency on external libraries, potential added complexity

Now, dear reader, go forth and conquer the realm of permutations with std::wstring, armed with the knowledge and creative solutions presented in this article. May your code be wise, and your permutations be plentiful!

Bonus: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between wchar_t and char?

A: wchar_t is a 16-bit or 32-bit character type, depending on the platform, designed to represent a broader range of languages and character sets. char, on the other hand, is an 8-bit character type, limited to representing only ASCII characters.

Q: Can I use std::next_permutation with std::u16string or std::u32string?

A: Yes, but with caution! std::u16string and std::u32string are Unicode character types, and their lexicographical ordering may vary depending on the implementation. Be prepared to handle platform-specific differences and potential locale setting influences.

Q: Is there a way to customize the locale settings for std::next_permutation?

A: Yes, you can use the std::locale class to customize the locale settings. However, be aware that this may lead to implementation-dependent behavior, and the results may vary across different platforms.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you puzzled by the unclear behavior of std::next_permutation with std::wstring?

What is the issue with using std::next_permutation with std::wstring?

The issue arises because std::next_permutation uses a lexicographic comparison, which may not work correctly with std::wstring due to the variability in Unicode code points. This can lead to unexpected results, making it crucial to understand the underlying mechanics.

How does the lexicographic comparison affect std::next_permutation with std::wstring?

The lexicographic comparison in std::next_permutation relies on the ASCII values of characters. However, with std::wstring, Unicode code points are used, which can have varying lengths and values. This disparity can cause the permutation algorithm to malfunction, leading to incorrect or unexpected results.

Is there a way to ensure correct behavior with std::next_permutation and std::wstring?

Yes, you can create a custom comparison function that takes into account the specific requirements of your Unicode characters. This function can be used in conjunction with std::next_permutation to ensure accurate results. It’s essential to carefully design this function to accommodate the nuances of Unicode.

What are some potential workarounds for the unclear behavior of std::next_permutation with std::wstring?

One approach is to use a third-party library that provides Unicode-aware permutation algorithms. Alternatively, you can convert the std::wstring to a different encoding, such as UTF-32, which would allow for correct lexicographic comparison. However, this might come at the cost of increased memory usage and complexity.

What are the implications of ignoring the unclear behavior of std::next_permutation with std::wstring?

Failing to address this issue can result in incorrect or undefined behavior in your application, leading to potential data corruption, security vulnerabilities, or crashes. It’s essential to acknowledge and address this problem to ensure the reliability and maintainability of your code.